International Report Estimates 40-50 Lakhs Landmines Stockpiled in India

New Delhi -According to the Landmine Monitor Report 2007, India remains an active producer of antipersonnel landmines, and maintains a stockpile of at least 40 Lakhs of this indiscriminate weapon. Although there has been no reported government use of landmines in the last year, many remain in Indian soil from past conflicts. In this past year alone there have been an estimated 107 casualties of landmines and other explosive remnants of war in India. Globally, the International Campaign to Ban Landmines is celebrating the tenth anniversary of the Mine Ban Treaty (MBT), with 156 nations banning the use, production, stockpile and trade of landmines. India is yet to join this treaty. Recently, the Government of India attended the 8 th Meeting of States Parties in Amman, Jordan, as an Observer, but reiterated its intention not to sign the treaty in the near future.

 “While the Government is fully sensitised to humanitarian aspects of the landmine problem, there is a compelling need to address the issue comprehensively.   Landmines do not ensure security of any nation; they only spawn human misery.” says Retired Ambassador Satnam Jit Singh, Diplomatic Advisor to the International Campaign to Ban Landmines. “If over 80% members of the international community can ensure security of their borders without using anti-personnel mines, surely India too can. There is no need to have another weapon system to replace landmines. What is needed is a change in mindset and a change in defence doctrine.” according to Ambassador Singh.

 India, along with Russia, China and Pakistan, remains one of the largest producers, even if not an active user, of antipersonnel landmines in the world . Internationally, only 13 countries produce antipersonnel mines, many of which are taking measures to reduce their mine production. With the 5th largest stockpile in the world, India is far from becoming a mine free nation.

Along with the antipersonnel mines used in the past for border protection and in the   conflict endangered  zones, there has been a rise in the use of Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs), especially by non-state armed actors. IEDs provide a cheap and easy alternative to traditional landmines and small arms. They have become more and more common in many of the insurgency afflicted regions of the nation. The 2007 Landmine Monitor Report identified 524 new casualties of explosive devices in 2006. Secretary General of the Control Arms Foundation of India and a researcher for the Landmine Monitor, Binalakshmi Nepram says, “Indian civil society and the Government cannot afford to remain ignorant of the huge humanitarian and development impact of a rising landmines and IED emergency which is emerging in the country. The Indian Government has a bounden responsibility to undertake steps and to join the MBT before further lives are lost”. The recurring landmine and IED blasts is a preventable issue that continues to take Indian lives and one that must be immediately addressed by the Indian government.

The annual Landmine Monitor Report was  commenced by the International Campaign to Ban Landmines in 1998, to monitor and report on implementation of and compliance with the 1997 Mine Ban Treaty.   For a full copy of the 2007 Landmine Monitor Report, please log on to


For interviews or media inquiries, please call: Ms. Binalakshmi Nepram 9891210264, or Jacqueline Edwards 9999454035




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