Summary Report: Inter-Faith Meeting on United Nations Process for Peace, Disarmament and an International Arms Trade Treaty

The Promise of World Peace:
Inter-Faith Meeting on United Nations Process for
Peace, Disarmament and an International Arms Trade Treaty

12th September 2009, at Baha’i Information Centre, Lotus Temple, New Delhi

Control Arms Foundation of India (CAFI) in collaboration with the Baha’i Community of India organized a historic meeting titled ‘The promise of world peace : An inter-faith meeting on united Nations process for peace, disarmament and for an Arms Trade Treaty ’ on 12th September, 2009. The event was the first time in which CAFI worked with inter-faith leaders in India for an Arms Trade Treaty. It was held at the beautiful premises of the Lotus Temple in India’s capital city, New Delhi.

For pictures of the event please clich HERE

Participants included

  • Swami Agnivesh, Founder and president, World Council of Arya Samaj, NewDelhi

  • Mr Shatrughun Jiwnani,Director,Officer PR,The Baha’i Community ofIndia

  • Maulana Mansoor, Teacher in Islamic Studies, NewDelhi

  • SadhviVidushi Om Prabha Bharti, Divya Jyoti Jagrati Sansthan (DJJS), NewDelhi

  • M.D. Thomas, Commision for inter-religious Dialogue, NewDelhi

  • Rev. Gyomyo Nakamura, World Buddhist Centre, New Delhi

  • FatherNithiya, National Commission for Justice, Peace and Development, NewDelhi

  • Rajyogini Brahma Kumari Shanti, Om Shanti Research Centre, Gurgaon

Meeting Proceeding

The meeting was started with a warm welcome note to all theparticipants by Mr. Shatrughun Jiwnani, Director, Officer PR, TheBaha’i Community of India, who commemorated the idea of the religiousrepresentatives coming together to assist the movement against arms andhave a positive influence on the minds and attitudes of people.

Following the welcome note, Ms Binalakshmi Nepram, Security General,Control Arms Foundation Of India, gave an introduction to the meeting.She extended her warm wishes to the panelists and to each of themembers present there. She highlighted in her speech that all over theworld 2000 people are killed due to armed violence everyday. More than1000 companies in over 100 countries produce arms, ammunitions and evenas one third of the world’s poor live in India, India is toppingdeveloping countries as the largest importer of arms.

The Speaker also drew the attention towards Arms Trade Treaty and thedeclaration of the United Nations thereafter. The most discouragingfact was the fact that India has not signed a single Disarmament Treatyafter 1993, a country that gave to the world the concept of ‘Non-Violence’.

Swami Agnivesh, Founder and President, World Council of Arya Samaj, NewDelhi, gave the key note address. Throughout his discourse, hehighlighted the need to retrospect one’s action before putting theblame on the Government and the international bodies. He appealed todraw an inspiration from Gandhi and talk about ‘Sarvodaya’, which wouldtalk about peace as well as issues like food security. He commentedthat it is not through arms that can answer problems; it is rather the‘words’ that can influence people’s mind. He highlighted the issue oflooking for alternative means to control war and disseminate themessage of love and friendship.

Maulana Mansoor, teacher in Islamic Studies, NewDelhi, highlighted theconcept of understanding identity irrespective religions and other suchparameters, as all of us are creation of the same God. He drewcomparisons from Islam and Arabic literature where he brought forththat ‘ISLAM’ in itself means Peace. So as a religion, none talk aboutagainst humanity and violence. He said that the means to success ispeace with all. The lack of association in the contemporary world, wasunderstood the origins of all the violence and terror all around.

Sadhvi Vidushi Om Prabha Bahrti, Divya Jyoti Jagrati Sansthan, NewDelhi, applauded the initiative of the meeting in the interest ofwelfare of the mankind. The use of arms has nowadays been considered asan ultimate solution to all problems in the world. There is increasinginsecurity, with the advancement in technology. The laser techniquescan give one better eyes but certainly not better vision to understandand look at situations. The advancement in science has rendered greatdestruction to the world in a lot of ways. “We live in the age ofwonders in science but blunders in morals.” Small scale weapons areconsidered as toys and are the most accessible form of inflicting painon the other.

She pressed the need to locate the root cause for theproblem and not only control violence superficially. She appealed torise above the constructed boundaries and borders. The idea of‘Vasudhaiv Kutumbakam’ has to be understood and implemented. The needis to change from within to establish peace worldwide. There is anurgent need to awaken the individuals towards the need of the societyto be in peace. She calls the humanity to undergo a process of innerpeace, a complete transformation of humanity towards peace and brotherhood. She asked the gathering to Arise, Awake and Work until the goalis achieved.

Rajyogini Brahma Kumari Shanti, Om Shanti Research Centre, Gurgaon,highlighted the need for understanding the fact that everybody shares acommon platform to certain extent in one or the manner. There is no onewho would not want peace, but the difference arises with the meansadopted to achieve it. We can only attain peace if we have unitednature. The spread of idea of Universal Brother Hood was considered asthe solution to the problems confronted in the contemporary world.

Theworld should not be seen in its physical form but its spiritual beingthat leads to establishment of unlimited global family. There are basicprinciples that could be followed to work together and reach out toindividuals to awaken to universal values.

M.D. Thomas, Commission for inter-religious dialogue, NewDelhi,highlighted the need to understand the various religions and theirmanifestations regarding spread of peace in the humanity. He asked todraw positive strength and get motivated by religion to enhance oneself as individuals. He talked about the need for Sin of Commission andSin of Omission. He concluded with a couplet by Kabir, whichdisseminated that life without work is worthless, but rather all shouldwalk together.

Rev. Gyomyo Nakamura, World Buddhist Centre, New Delhi, confessed thathis ultimate dream is to get enlightenment like Lord Budha. He saidthat there should not be a difference in what we preach and what wepractice. He highlighted that the idea of reincarnation of human lifeand emphasized on the rightful actions one is required to undertake fora peaceful living.

Father Nithiya, National Commission for Justice, Peace and Development,New Delhi, considered religion as not only an amalgamation of culturaland ecological factors, of customs and rituals but rather a medium ofhuman social welfare. There is no doubt that India is rich, but theIndians unfortunately are behind the affluence because of thewidespread poverty, corruption and the various social problems. Heraised questions  that if during the celebration of the Republic Day,there is recognition to the arms and ammunitions we as country possessthrough the Parade of Weapons, why don’t we have a Parade of Peace? Whyif we have a Defense Budget, we don’t have a budget for Peace. Why arewe still complacent with whatever the circumstances are, and not take afirm action against it. Why don’t we feel disturbed?

A.K. Merchant, The Baha’i Community of India, drew the audience tounderstanding the concept from the lenses of the Baha’is way ofspreading the light and ameliorate darkness. The Baha’I lay emphasis onthe individuality and the discovery of each ones’ uniqueness can makethe world a better place to live in. One should adhere to be workingtowards betterment of humanity and establishment a global community. Heappealed to become a contributor to the advancement of humans and workcreatively policy towards achieving peace as it is something that isinevitable and each one’s birth right.

Before the official vote of thanks, Ms Binalakshmi Nepram shared withthe audience as this being a historic movement for CAFI. Sheconfessed that the future lies in the hands of young minds and not inpeople without vision. She appealed everybody to be a part of a largerpeace movement.

Ms Elizabeth Imti, Parliamentary Affairs Coordinator, Control ArmsFoundation of India, extended her gratitude to the panelists for theiraugust presence, following the words of appreciation for the Baha’Imembers, the participants, the CAFI Volunteers and the office bearerswho have made this event a successful one.


The meeting ended with the understanding that all religions of theworld favour peace over violence and a call upon the government ofIndia to support the Arms Trade Treaty. The religious leaders of theirrespective religions present in the meeting wholeheartedly gave theirsupport towards such a peace initiative.

A Joint Declaration of Inter-Faith Leaders for World Peace and anappeal to the Government of India and United Nations for making ArmsTrade Treaty meaningful to save lives was agreed upon by all thereligious leaders present.

For more information, please contact:

Control Arms Foundation of India

B 5 / 146, First Floor, Safdarjung Enclave
New Delhi – 110 029, India

Phone: +91-11-46018541 Fax: +91-11-26166234


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