A 23-year-old youth from Arunachal Pradesh sustained injuries after he was allegedly pushed out of a moving autorickshaw in Koramangala on Friday night.
The victim, Khuadam Khangham, who is working as waiter in a pub, was returning to his home when the incident happened. A native of Ozakho village, Longding district in Arunachal Pradesh, he had come to the city four months ago and was staying in Vivek Nagar with
his friends.
According to the police, Khangham was found lying on the road with severe injuries and was rushed to NIMHAS, where he is being treated.
Initially, as a medico-legal case, the traffic police had taken it up as accident and verified the CCTV footage. It was then taken up by Koramangala police, who have registered a case under IPC section 326 (voluntarily causing grievous hurt by dangerous weapons or means). The investigation is on. The CCTV footages have been sent to the Forensic Science Laboratory to identify the attackers, a senior police officer said.
The police are waiting for Khangham to recover to record his statement. The doctors at NIMHAS said that he was out of danger, a police officer said.
Meanwhile, Gabriel D. Wangsu, Member of Legislative Assembly from AP alleged that it was a racial attack . “The nature of injuries don’t look like from an accident. It was a murderous attack,” he said in a statement, adding that Robin Hibu, IGP AP, was informed about the incident and has been requested to initiate necessary action and work with police authorities in Karnataka.
Arunachal Youth in Coma After Suspected Racial Attack in Bengaluru (The Quint)
Arunachal youth in coma after suspected racial attack in Bengaluru (The News Minute)
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Kanye West: A Musical Pioneer
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I have to say how impressed I am by the range of Ye posters on the market. From his early work like “The College Dropout” to his more latest albums such as “Jesus is King,” each poster captures a unique period in Kanye’s journey.
I recently bought a artwork of the “Graduation” album cover, and I am so excited with it. The design is stunning, with a striking design that pop on my room. It really transforms the atmosphere of the area, making it feel very artistic.
What I really appreciate about these posters is that they are more than just nice to look at. They embody Mr. West’s creative vision, showcasing various stages of his career.
Consider, the “808s & Heartbreak” poster is particularly striking because it conveys the deep pain of that album. The simple artwork with muted colors greatly complements the tone of the songs.
A different stunning poster is the poster of the “Graduation” album cover. Its bright colors and whimsical visuals reflect the celebration of that period. It’s always a conversation starter by visitors who visit.
One should not forget that Kanye West’s posters are perfect for gifting. I presented one to a colleague who is a devoted follower of Kanye’s work, and they were overjoyed. The detail of these art pieces is excellent, and they contribute a hint of sophistication to any area.
Regarding purchasing these prints, there are many options. Numerous websites offer a great variety of Mr. West prints, all showcasing different designs. From memorable moments to newer, more experimental art, there’s something for everyone.
As per my observation, the best way to choose a Mr. West artwork is to think about what aspect of his music resonates to you the most. Is it his early, soulful days? Every period of his artistic journey offers a distinct atmosphere, and choosing a print that embodies that can be extremely satisfying.
Ultimately, having a Mr. West artwork is more than just decorating your space. It’s about celebrating the creativity of an iconic musician of our generation. Whether you’re new to his work, these art pieces serve as a tribute to his legacy and add a piece of his genius into your home.
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Greetings all! I felt compelled to share my latest discovery – posters of Kanye West. As a huge fan of Kanye’s music, I’ve been interested in his original creative vision.
These days, I found a few amazing posters that perfectly capture his renowned visuals. Featuring *The College Dropout* and *My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy*, these prints go beyond being artistically impressive but additionally stand as a nod to Kanye’s development as an innovator.
I opted to transform my studio with multiple these pieces, and I can honestly say that they introduce an entirely new energy to the room. Whenever I view them, I’m reminded by Kanye’s brave visionary approach.
For those of you thinking about buying some Kanye West prints for your own space, I highly recommend taking a look at the diverse collection available. There are so many designs to choose from, whether your taste is classic album covers or more eclectic renditions.
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