NSCN (K) yet to decide on peace talks

Kohima, September 04 2017: While it is being increasingly felt that any agreement between Government of India and NSCN (I-M) would not have substantial bearing in ending Naga insurgency, the Khaplang faction (NSCN-K) is yet to take a call on joining the peace process, The Asian Age report stated.

A top Myanmar-based functionary of the banned NSCN-K on being contacted by The Asian Age said on condition of anonymity: “We do receive calls from several sections asking to return to peace saying with our involvement in the process no final settlement can be possible, we have however not taken any decision so far” .

A cross-section of Naga social activists that The Asian Age spoke to also viewed the NSCN (K)’s involvement as well as that of the other factions as very important for a final solution to one of the world’s longest running insurgencies.

Many Naga civic organisations like the Naga Mothers’ Association, Naga Hoho and the Eastern Nagaland Peoples’ Organisation have been trying to get the NSCN (K) involved in the talks process.

Nagaland chief minister T.R.Zeliang, too, had requested that all “stakeholders” be taken into account before signing of the final agreement.

Since 1999, the NSCN (I-M) and the government have been deliberating on a set of 33 demands which include demands like a separate official flag, a separate constitution, dual citizenship and a physical integration of all Naga-inhabited areas in Assam, Manipur and Arunachal Pradesh, the report stated.

While a separate constitution has been ruled out and the last demand is understood to have been put in the “backburner for now,” the framework for the agreement includes a concept of “shared sovereignty” and special constitutional privileges to safeguard the traditional rights of Nagas with due recognition of the uniqueness of their history.

The Naga insurgency movement  with independence as the main demand is more than six decades old.

Government figures say about 3,000 have died in the conflict till now, unofficial figures put the number at about 50,000 .

Source: http://e-pao.net


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