Emergence of a Women Movement Against Increasing Armed Gun Violence In India.

Date: December 05, 2007 to December 05, 2007 | Time:10.00am-12.00pm
Venue:Conference Room, Control Arms Foundation of India. B5/146,First Floor,Safdarjung Enclave,New Delhi-110029


Manipuri Women Gun Survivors Network

Control Arms Foundation of India

Cordially Invite you to a meeting on


Every year thousands of women and girls are killed by guns and millions are traumatized, intimidated, enslaved, robbed and raped at gunpoint. Women are particularly vulnerable to violence and intimidation at gunpoint. As when many women are directly targeted by gun violence, they and their children bear the brunt of its socio-economic and emotional impacts, for example by becoming impoverished when male relative are shot.

The 16 Days Activism Against Gender Violence which is an International Campaign originating from the first Women’s Global Leadership began on 25th November and will continue till
5th Dec, 2007. The 16 Days Campaign has been used as an organizing strategy by individuals and groups around the world to call for the elimination of all forms of violence against women, and to bring issues of violence against women to the  forefront in local, national, regional and global arenas.

As a part of the campaign, on
5th December, 2007, Manipuri Women Gun Survivor Network (MWGSN), Manipur, in collaboration with Control Arms Foundation of India (CAFI), New Delhi will host an event titled, ‘Women’s Movement Against Armed Gun violence’. We wish to cordially invite you to observe and participate in  ‘Day Of Activism Against Gender Violence’.


Timing        Programme Schedule
09.30 am Registration
10.00 am Welcome by Ms Binalakshmi Nepram, Secretary General, Control Arms Foundation of India.
10.20am Address on


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