CAFI Founder and Secretary General meets first indigenous woman mayor of Waspam, Nicaragua

CAFI Founder and Secretary General meets MAYOR ROSE CUNNINGHAM CAIN, a truly humble, extraordinary woman of grit and conviction who was elected the first indigenous woman mayor of Waspam, a municipality of about 60,000 people on Nicaragua’s impoverished Atlantic coast.. Rose is a Miskito Indigenous leader and founder and Director of Wangki Tangni, which means “Flower of the River” in Miskito. Through Wangki Tangni, she has worked to serve more than 115 marginalized communities along the Coco River by developing programs that equip Indigenous Peoples with the skills they need to self-govern, build local infrastructure and institutions, protect the region’s biodiversity, and preserve traditional knowledge.

The meeting took place at backdrop of United Nations Commission on Status of Women.


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